People are ditching their 9-5 jobs, renting a caravan and hitting the road with no final destination in sight. Welcome to ‘Van Life’.
The trend that gathered steam in the US saw scores of young people thronging the booming caravan scene in the hopes of living their lives remotely. Since then, the caravan industry has spanned continents and injected a breath of fresh air into a concept that once used to be viewed as daunting or tedious to practically carry out.
While the internet has countless stories about people embracing the road in place of a sedentary life, caravanning is an experience that could both be a lifestyle or even just a holiday.
If you’re planning a short trip, consider caravanning as a way to explore a certain part of the country in a much more mobile way, than having to stay at a resort and enjoy monotonous vistas. Your options tend to open up so much more when you’re constantly on the move, meeting new people to meet and every day resembling a treasure chest of discoveries to be made.
Similarly, if you’re planning on a longer adventure, a country like India with its diverse geography and culture is the perfect melting pot to navigate your way across on a longer expedition. By opting for a detailed breakdown to traverse through the country, you can kick start your journey from the hilly regions of the north and travel down to the lush green tropics of Southern India.
A revamped caravan industry has put to rest qualms about any previous preconceptions that existed about travel on the road being cumbersome. While the industry is offering flexible solutions for people to experiment with, the gradual boom in the country has opened up a market for everyone to take advantage of.
Irrespective of whether you opt for a short trip or plan on navigating through the country on an extended trip, caravanning can be a malleable experience that would suit the needs of a seasoned traveller as well as a new timer.